In the Press

Joseph chats restaurant branding & strategy on Order Up! Podcast

A few weeks ago, Joseph was invited onto the Order Up! Restaurant Operations podcast to chat about restaurant branding, the state of the industry, and The Bullhearted Brand. Host Tommy Yionoulis and Joseph had an in-depth chat covering many hot-button topics faced by the industry today. The conversation was so chock full of insights that the episode had to be broken into two episodes!

You can listen below, or subscribe to Order Up! on Apple Podcasts or Google Play

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A robot preparing food

Robots in Restaurants: Back of House

With the widespread progression and development of AI over the past few years, there seems to be some sort of new technology every other day. Not being in-tune with this digital era will keep your restaurant or bar at a disadvantage amongst competitors. One increasingly popular approach to differentiate your

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