Restaurant Brand Naming
Developing Brand Names
That Change The Game
Brand names that spark curiosity and define a brand's core purpose
Naming a restaurant is more than throwing things on a wall and waiting for something to stick. A restaurant’s name is a portal into the deeper story; a chance to pique interest in the brand’s reason for being. It’s the only element of a restaurant that can be experienced completely out of visual context (e.g. when someone hears the name.)
When named properly, a restaurant has a unique advantage. It sparks curiosity for knowing more, learning, and engaging with the brand. It instills a sense of belonging among those who “get it” and understand the reason behind the name. It helps give weight to the brand’s purpose.
Naming is a nuanced discipline that spans cultural, linguistic, and strategic thinking. It’s not something that one simply jumps into. It’s not something to be taken lightly.
At Vigor, we’ve named countless restaurants, menu items, and even the more ethereal elements that ladder up to a brand’s tone of voice. We approach naming with a principled focus. We don’t produce run of the mill, or forgettable. We create names that standout from direct competitors. Because if you spend your time trying to fit in, you’ll waste your budget trying to stand out.

Download the restaurant naming playbook
What makes a “good” restaurant name? This question is one that’s asked many times, but the answers seem to vary depending on the source. We took the liberty to make the rules crystal clear, so you can have fun breaking them. After all, are there really any rules to brand naming? Find out in this ebook.
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Brand Naming Examples
A small sample of restaurant brand names
Over the course of our agency’s life, we have developed over 100 names and naming systems for restaurants. Here are a few of our favorites from the list accompanied by their passionate purpose.