When two entrepreneurs with backgrounds in tech and food needed to brand an innovative milk alternative beverage line, they turned to Vigor’s expertise to build their vision from the ground up. The product was a first-to-market nutritious drink made from pumpkin seeds, known as pepita, and added superfoods. Through collaboration and Vigor’s brand development process, we helped bring the brand to be known as Seeva to thriving life.
Los Angeles, California
Year Completed
Team Size
Vigor 4 / Client 2
Brand Strategy, Concept Development, Narrative, Naming, Brand Architecture, Identity Design, Packaging
- Position a creamy, pumpkin-seed based drink with superfood additives in a way that is understandable to consumers and fits their lifestyle
- Develop a name that reflects the authentic passion of the founder, carves out a new space in the perceptions of consumers, and brings to life the personality of the brand
- Leverage the uniqueness of pumpkin seeds without communicating pumpkin flavor
- Design a line of packaging that appeals to a specific patron who wants simplicity and health benefits
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- Collaboratively develop a creative brief that addresses how the product compares to other milk-alternatives
- Coin a new word, “Seeva” which conveys the unique combination of simplicity, approachability, and traditional medicine that inspire the brand
- Develop a visual identity system that emphasizes the best attributes and benefits of the product without depicting anything pumpkin-related
- Create SKU names and communication on packaging to concisely and compellingly convey the benefits to consumers
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