Clearing up the murkiness surrounding Brand Purpose

Brand Purpose quickly established itself as the buzzword du jour in the 2010s with renowned, respected consultancies like Brighthouse, a BCG Company, and iconic thinkers like Simon Sinek dominating the thinking, and many others adopting and adapting it. The word has become ubiquitous among forward-thinking leaders who seek to scale brands with the stickiness to […]
Successful Restaurant Marketing In 10 Easy Steps

After approximately 20 years of being involved in every aspect of the restaurant business from serving to being a one-person marketing department, I’ve seen first hand what successful restaurant marketing looks like. I have worked in national franchises, regional chains, and locally-owned restaurants that tripled in units. I grew from marketing brand manager into assisting […]
Holiday Marketing During COVID

We have witnessed first hand what losing a season can do to our service industry, and we should take what we learned and apply it to prepare for the upcoming months. So many restaurants look forward to the holiday season with packed out corporate holiday lunches, dinners, EOY banquets, family and friends gathering, and out […]
Welcome Rachita Vasandani, Jr. Copywriter

Rachita’s sense of humor made her stand out from the crowd during our search for our next Jr. Copywriter. Her resumé had us laughing out loud (who knew “bolding words” in Microsoft skills could make such a great impression.) That lighthearted humor and confidence made us sure that she would fit in with the rest […]
Quit skinning the ‘Skins. This was the right move.

In response to cultural and political pressures, the team formerly known as the Washington Redskins, decided to finally change their name. And the people cheered. Then a few weeks later, they announced a temporary name for 2020-21 season – drumroll – the new name for Washington’s football team is “The Washington Football Team.” Cue the […]
Shut up and put up: How to build authenticity in restaurant brand philanthropy

I debated writing about this topic considering the state of our nation. But as we interact and consult with our clients, the same questions keep coming up. It compels me to share our approach to developing and guiding genuine philanthropy for restaurant brands. I want to make clear that this is in no way a […]
Coming out of COVID-19 with positive brand momentum

Let’s state the obvious: During this COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants are being left without dining rooms, and sometimes without essential staff. Operating in your core competencies—serving food to restaurant patrons—is severely hampered. Even if you’re fortunate enough to have a drive-thru or a strong delivery business, you, like all of us, are left asking some extremely important […]
Know Thy Personality—Strategy Series Part Three

This article is the third of a 5-part series about Vigor’s strategic framework. Read part two here. Imagine that you’re a brilliant computer programmer working at a shadowy tech giant. One day, your boss pulls you aside for a special project. You’re seated in a white room with nothing but two microphones and two speakers. The […]
You vs. Them – A branding lesson in understanding your audience
You’re reaching the launching point of a new brand and you’re anxiously waiting to unfurl the new look and brand to the world. You’re certain it will be received with positive feedback, or, at least, it won’t be hated. You know this because you’ve guided the process from beginning to end based on what you […]
Rise of the apptroverts
Originally posted on Medium You’ve seen them. You may even be one. They’re the people at the table whose faces are glowing from their smartphones almost completely disconnected from the world around them. While they may be disconnected from their physical space, they are simultaneously uber-connected to the entire world. These are the Apptroverted masses, […]