
Vigor takes Silver in Graphis Design Annual

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of winning. Especially when the competition is fierce. We are honored to announce that Graphis, a renowned design publication, has saw fit to award Vigor silver in their 2016 Design Annual. The design and branding work for the Burger Radio food truck has officially been recognized as best in class.

We knew from the first call with David Levine, owner and visionary behind Burger Radio, that this project would be something special. There was immediate chemistry and alignment on the vision and idea from the beginning which led to an amazing working relationship. The results are a thriving burger business that’s looking to move to a brick and mortar location while receiving many accolades over the past couple of years. For us, we get recognized for a job well done.

Special thanks to David for letting us be just as crazy and he, and to giving us the opportunity to do excellent, now “award-winning,” work.

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