How to use sensory marketing for your restaurant

Think about the times you have picked up on a scent and it reminded you of someone or something in your past. Or those late nights you stay on instagram for an absurd amount of time scrolling through Mukbang videos even if you absolutely hate the sound of people slurping noodles and crunching various fried […]
Welcome JP Myler, Marketing Strategist

JP joined the Vigor team earlier this year to head up the marketing strategy for our key client accounts. Since joining the team, JP has played integral roles in building the brands across marketing channels for companies like eegee’s and Erik’s DeliCafé. Her keen sense of what’s trending and your ability to “listen” to data […] Article: The Blobs Have Come for Restaurant Design

We recently had the honor of chatting with Gray Chapman, author/journalist who wrote a piece on the “color blob” design trend in restaurants. It was a great discussion with some points she included in the article found here: I wanted to expound upon the commentary a bit more. Restaurant design is certainly vulnerable to […]
Revolutionizing Restaurant Brand Experiences – Joseph’s talk at the FED Summit

I had the honor of speaking to a fantastic group of food service and equipment professionals this September in Chicago, Illinois. The focus of my talk was on the future, distant and near, of restaurant brand experiences, and how they’re changing. From bots to 3D printed food, I posed serious questions on the roles of our […]
How to brand a restaurant
Before learning how to brand a restaurant, you first have to know the definition of branding. There is an astounding amount of misconception surrounding what “branding” actually means. Professionals in the creative industry are some of the worst offenders. “We’ll do your branding” and “we branded that restaurant” are phrases you hear and read often… […]
Say ‘hello’ to Leah Ayer, designer extraordinaire
A few months ago we sought to find a rockstar designer who could challenge conventions and bring a fresh eye to our clients and their work. Ms. Leah Ayer walked through our door with a portfolio that demonstrated that, and so much more. Her work demonstrated great thinking and execution in design and creative. From […]
Restaurant Design & Development Magazine Article: 5 ways to bridge the branding & interior design divide
Originally published in Restaurant Design & Development magazine We’re all familiar with restaurant interiors. We’re all also familiar with restaurant brands. But over the years, I’ve noticed something: More often than not, the brand identity does not align with the experience created by the interior design. Individually, both may be brilliant — each with their […]